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Friday, January 18, 2013

V Berth Unit Installation

The hull is still in the mold. Underneath the protective plastic, the V berth unit of the forward stateroom has been bonded to the hull. The hoses are from the holding tank which is under the V berth.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hull and Stringers

Hull and Stringers have been laminated and are now bonded together.  This is all done within the hull mold to better retain the shape of the bonded unit.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Construction begins...

03 January 2013: Construction on NUDGE has begun. The various pieces of the hull and superstructure are in their molds. Here is  a view of the top of the tug upside down and inside out as it is being "layered" in  mold. The gelcoat and colors are all the first coating that is sprayed into the mold.